© WikiMedia (Spc. Cody Black)

A group of US senators wrote to the US Secretary of Defense Wednesday expressing concern about the potential for a “significant outbreak” of COVID-19 at the Pentagon prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The letter seeks to determine how the military is safeguarding the 40 prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay and the American forces responsible for [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled Tuesday that state courts should be the forum for hearing public nuisance lawsuits against petroleum producers. These lawsuits allege that the producers were promoting petroleum even though they knew that it was causing environmental harms such as drought, rising sea-levels and wildfires. The case comes [...]

995645 / Pixabay

Members of the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls said Wednesday that certain US states are exploiting the COVID–19 pandemic to restrict abortion rights. The Working Group accused Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Iowa, Ohio, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee of committing human rights violations by infringing on reproductive rights and endangering women’s health. “We [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on Tuesday blocked a lower court’s order that Ohio’s election officials must accept electronically-signed and witnessed petitions. Three individuals and two organizations, who are obtaining signatures in support of initiatives to amend the Ohio Constitution and propose municipal ordinances, allege that COVID-19 and the state’s stay-at-home [...]


A judge for the US District Court for the Northern District of California on Tuesday dismissed 2019 San Francisco mayoral candidate Ellen Lee Zhou’s case against media companies that removed her campaign billboards. The billboards depicted Mayor London Breed and she and her supporters identified them as “disrespectful and decisive” and called for their removal. [...]

andibreit / Pixabay

The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Oklahoma Secretary of State Michael Rogers must accept signatures collected by the Yes on 805 campaign to reform the state’s sentencing practices. Chief Justice Noma Gurich wrote the order, which references Oklahoma Constitution Article 5 Sections 3 and 4: “nitiative petitions ‘shall be filed with the Secretary of [...]


The Hague Court ruled against anti-5G activists on Monday, allowing the Netherlands to roll out 5G nationwide. Stop5GNL, a foundation that aims to protect and promote the health of Dutch residents in general and in particular in connection with electromagnetic fields, sought to prohibit the Netherlands from promoting or enabling the roll-out of 5G at [...]

© WikiMedia (Michael Coghlan)

The US Supreme Court issued an Tuesday today denying the federal government’s request to block a plan to release elderly and low-risk prisoners of the Elkton Federal Correctional Institute (FCI-Elkton) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan was ordered by a judge for the US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio on April [...]

renehesse / Pixabay

Germany’s Federal Court ruled against car manufacturer Volkswagen in a civil disputs on Monday. The case concerned the buyer of a second hand minivan fitted with emission cheating software. It was found that the software artificially lowered the emissions of Nitrogen Oxide, increasing the risk of harmful pollutants when used by customers. The court ordered [...]