tevenet / Pixabay

Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced on Friday that his office is charging former police officer Derek Chauvin with third-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. Freeman also announced a possibility of subsequent charges as review of the evidence continues. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension took Chauvin into custody on Friday morning. Chauvin [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Thursday denied the Trump administration’s request to continue Keystone XL Pipeline construction. This decision will delay pipeline construction until the Ninth Circuit renders its final decision. The Ninth Circuit’s denial follows after the Montana District Court revoked construction permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline in [...]

© WikiMedia (Sandeepnewstyle)

Italian magistrates placed Uber Italia under special administration Friday over food deliverer exploitation allegations, according to Reuters. Italian authorities have placed the company under special administration to investigate reports of underpaid food delivery workers. Anonymous sources allege that Uber paid over 1,000 deliverers only three euros per hour. The sources also allege that Uber paid [...]


China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) on Thursday adopted a decision to establish and improve legislation on and enforcement of Hong Kong’s national security. This decision imposes a duty upon the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security. HKSAR was previously required to complete national security legislation under the Basic Law of the [...]


US President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Thursday aimed at preventing online censorship. This order increases the government’s ability to regulate social media platforms. The executive order also clarified the scope of immunity from liability that was created by section 230(c) of the Communications Decency Act. The immunity does not protect those who [...]

© WikiMedia (Tom Arthur)

Groups in Kentucky brought a federal lawsuit Thursday over Kentucky’s failure to adapt voting regulations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The lawsuit was filed by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Kentucky, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and Covington & Burling, on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Kentucky, [...]

© WikiMedia (Brücke-Osteuropa)

Associate Chief Justice H. Holmes of the Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled against Meng Wanzhou on Wednesday in her challenge to extradition to the US. She argued that the “double criminality” requirement for her extradition to the Eastern District of New York could not be met because her conduct related entirely to conduct in [...]


Thirty-seven current prosecutors and 12 current and retired police chiefs and sheriffs filed an amicus curiae brief Thursday in support medically vulnerable plaintiffs seeking immediate release or transfer from Elkton Federal Correctional Institution (FCI-Elkton) in Ohio. Plaintiffs filed a class action lawsuit last month after at least nine individuals in custody died of COVID-19, and [...]

© WikiMedia (Michael Coghlan)

Judge Cathy Bissoon of the US District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania entered a consent order Wednesday declaring that the Allegheny County jail must put medically vulnerable people within their own cells and keep newly admitted inmates within isolation for two weeks, consistent with Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) orders. Additionally, the [...]

377053 / Pixabay

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed a lawsuit against Google on Wednesday for deceptively and unfairly obtaining users’ location information to advance its lucrative advertising business. The complaint provided detailed examples of Google’s “seemingly relentless drive to collect as much user location information as possible and make it exceedingly hard for users to understand what [...]