Sudan government formalizes peace deal with rebel groups News
© Wikimedia (Ola A. Alsheikh)
Sudan government formalizes peace deal with rebel groups

The transitional government of Sudan and rebel groups on Saturday formalized a peace deal to end a years-long war that led to the death of hundreds of thousands and displaced millions. South Sudan hosted the ceremony where the transitional government and the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF), a coalition of armed groups, signed the deal.

The deal aims to integrate rebel groups into Sudan’s security forces as well as give them political, economic and land rights. Under the deal, USD $750 million dollars per year will be paid out to the impoverished regions of the country for 10 years.

Two rebel groups have not signed on to the agreement: the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N). These two groups have been called “the only armed groups in Sudan with meaningful military capacity and who represent significant constituencies.” The leader of SPLM-N has separately agreed to a truce with the Sudan government until the constitution can be changed to separate government and religion.

The South Sudan mediator stated that the goal is to sign peace deals with all armed groups in Sudan. Prime Minister of Sudan Abdalla Hamdok stated, “peace will open broad horizons for development, progress and prosperity.”

This conflict in Sudan started when oil-rich South Sudan seceded in 2011. The following economic crisis eventually led to the overthrow of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir in 2019.