Senate Judiciary Committee moves to advance Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination

The US Senate Judiciary Committee voted on Thursday to advance the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court. The vote was 12-0 in favor of advancing Barrett’s nomination to set up a vote by the full Senate, bringing President Donald Trump’s nominee closer to confirmation.

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee boycotted the vote in protest of Barrett’s confirmation and her speedy confirmation process amid a presidential election. Democrats contend Barrett would cause damage to “health care, reproductive freedoms, the ability to vote, and other core rights that Americans cherish.” Democrats also pointed out that millions of Americans were already voting, arguing this presidential election winner should fill the seat. Senator Chuck Schumer, the minority leader, said, “we are standing against this mad rush to jam through a Supreme Court nomination just days, days before an election.”

Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham proceeded with the vote despite Judiciary Committee rules that require at least two minority members to be present to conduct official business. After the vote, Graham said it was “a groundbreaking, historic moment.” Republicans on the Committee praised Barrett’s credentials and conservative ideals in arguing for her nomination to the Supreme Court. Specifically, they noted Barrett’s three years on the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and her experience as a law professor at the University of Notre Dame.

The full Senate plans to vote on Barrett’s confirmation on Monday. If approved by the Senate, Barrett’s confirmation would bring the Supreme Court to a 6-3 conservative majority. Additionally, her confirmation would constitute one of the fastest in the Supreme Court’s history.