The Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information technology banned 118 mobile apps Wednesday in an effort to put pressure on Chinese technology companies. The ministry said in a press release it had received multiple complaints that the banned apps had stolen users’ information and transmitted it to servers outside of India. The ban comes as a response to rising tensions between India and China as a result of a skirmish that happened at the disputed Himalayan border that led to the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers in June. Since then the government has banned 57 apps, in addition to Wednesday’s ban.
In response to the ban Gao Feng, spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, said as quoted in The Hindu: “The Indian side abused the concept of ‘national security’ and adopted discriminatory restrictive measures against Chinese companies, violating relevant WTO rules. China urges India to correct its wrong practices”.
The bans and rising tensions have halted Chinese investment in Indian technology companies.