DC federal judge blocks USPS policy changes ahead of election News
© WikiMedia (Andy C)
DC federal judge blocks USPS policy changes ahead of election

A judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia ordered preliminary injunctions Sunday and Monday against the US Postal Service (USPS) to prevent policy changes that have delayed national mail delivery. Following a similar ruling by a Pennsylvania federal judge Monday, the injunction by Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington, DC, marks the fifth nationwide injunction against the USPS ahead of the upcoming November election.

Sullivan issued two recent injunctions in Vote Forward v. DeJoy and New York v. USPS<, on Monday and Sunday, respectively.

In Vote Forward v. DeJoy, voter registration groups alleged that the USPS’s mail delays would deny thousands of people their constitutional right to vote. In New York v. USPS, state plaintiffs alleged that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy disrupted operations without properly submitting changes to the Postal Regulatory Commission, and had no intention of returning removed collection boxes or high-speed sorting equipment.

In the pair of injunctions, Sullivan sided against the USPS each time, concluding that the USPS’s changes and Dejoy’s actions were more likely than not risking the timely delivery of election mail, which would ultimately hinder state responses to COVID-19.

These recent injunctions from Sullivan bring the total of injunctions against the USPS to five. Additional cases are still pending, with one spearheaded by Montana Governor Steve Bullock, who alleges the USPS failed to request an advisory opinion when planning changes with nationwide impacts, and therefore acted unlawfully.