New York judge temporarily blocks publication of Mary Trump’s Book News
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New York judge temporarily blocks publication of Mary Trump’s Book

A judge in Dutchess County, New York, issued a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order on Tuesday to stop Simon & Schuster from releasing any details of a book by President Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump: “Too Much and Never Enough, How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.” Donald Trump’s brother Robert Trump filed the complaint against Mary Trump and her publisher alleging that her book violated terms of a confidentiality provision of a 2001 settlement agreement to end litigation of Fred Trump, Mary’s grandfather’s, estate.

In the settlement agreement the parties, which include Mary, Robert and Donald Trump, agreed not to:

directly or indirectly publish or cause to be published any diary, memoir, letter, story, photograph, interview, article, essay, account, or description or depiction of any kind whatsoever, whether fictionalized or not, concerning their litigation or relationship with the [other parties].

Mary Trump’s book promises to be a tell-all that will reveal, from her perspective, “countless holiday meals,” “family interactions” and “family events.” Simon & Schuster claim that the injunction violates their First Amendment rights by “restrain[ing] speech on a matter of public interest.” The next hearing is scheduled for July 10. The book is scheduled for release on July 28.