Before a meeting between Indonesian President President Joko Widodo and the Netherlands King Willem-Alexander on Tuesday, the Dutch monarch publically apologized for his country’s “excessive violence” against Indonesia during its colonial rule. This was the first time a monarch from the country has made such a statement to the people of Indonesia, which was colonized by the Netherlands from 1800 to 1949.
King Willem-Alexander spoke to both the history between, as well as the futures of, both Indonesia and the Netherlands. After congratulating Indonesia on 75 years of independence, the King said that:
Many people in the Netherlands feel a deep connection with Indonesia. It’s gratifying that, in turn, a growing number of young Indonesians are showing interest in our country. We see that in the number of young men and women who come to the Netherlands to study. We see it above all in the close working relationships between our two countries in the fields of science, the economy, water management, nature protection and climate.
He also thanked the Indonesians who welcomed him and his wife for their state visit and closed his speech by saying that they “feel very welcome [in Indonesia].”