The Kentucky Senate passed Senate Bill 2 on Thursday, requiring voters to have a photo ID to cast a ballot. The bill narrows the types of ID that can be used when a citizen casts their ballot. The bill was created to protect against voter fraud before the 2020 election. The types of IDs that would be acceptable require photo verification on the documents, which include driver’s licenses.
These types of identification are not available to the entire public, especially those who have been incarcerated.
Under this bill those who show up to the polls without a form of ID would be required to present forms at the county clerks office within the days following the election. The unofficial copy of the current bill states its reason for enacting this legislation, “It is critically important to protect the integrity and reliability of the electoral process in order to ensure that there is proper detection and deterrence of voter fraud.”
The bill is now heading to the Kentucky house for approval.
Last week, the Supreme Court of Missouri struck down key provisions of a similar law.