skeeze / Pixabay

The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) filed an emergency appeal to the US Supreme Court on Monday to prevent enforcement of a Louisiana law that establishes admitting privileges for doctors performing abortions. The Unsafe Abortion Protection Act, also known as Act 620 requires any physician providing abortion services in Louisiana to have admitting privileges at [...]

tdfugere / Pixabay

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced on Tuesday that Baltimore will no longer be prosecuting marijuana possession, regardless of weight or criminal history. The decision to end prosecution was based on a “lack of a demonstrable public safety benefit, the resource drain that resolving marijuana possession cases places on prosecutors, and the racially unjust manner [...]

© WikiMedia Robert Mueller (The White House from Washington, DC)

Long-time Trump associate and former campaign adviser Roger Stone pleaded not guilty in a federal DC court on Tuesday. Stone appeared in front of Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson following his arrest by the FBI on Friday. Stone has been charged with obstruction of a proceeding, witness tampering and making false statements to House Representatives regarding his involvement in WikiLeaks’ publication of stolen [...]


As US immigration courts opened on Monday to the 86,000 cases that were canceled during the shutdown, attorneys speculatde that it could take years to get through this backlog. As of the end of November, it was estimated that there were more than 800,000 cases pending before the immigration courts. Jennifer Williams, an immigration law [...]

© WikiMedia (Michael Coghlan)

ArchCity Defenders, a non-profit civil rights law firm in St. Louis, Missouri, brought a class action lawsuit Monday for violation of the Fourteenth Amendment rights to equal protection and due process, alleging that current policies and practices in St. Louis jail individuals based on poverty. The suit was brought on behalf of David Dixon, Jeffrey Rozelle, [...]

© WikiMedia (Alexandria Sheriff’s Office)

A federal judge in Virginia on Monday delayed sentencing for former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort due to his pending trial in the District of Columbia. Manafort was convicted of eight charges of fraud in August by a jury in Virginia and was set to be sentenced next week. However, District Judge TS Ellis III [...]

© WikiMedia (Sebastian Bergmann)

A federal judge denied primary approval on Monday for a proposed settlement in a class action breach lawsuit against Yahoo, citing a continued lack of transparency. Yahoo was subject to three data breaches between 2013 and 2016. These breaches occurred due to Yahoo’s failure to use “appropriate safeguards to protect users’ personal identification information,” and [...]

Nikodi / Pixabay

A senior judge at one of the UN courts in The Hague is reportedly resigning over “shocking” political interference from the White House and Turkey. Christoph Flügge, a German judge, claims that the US had threatened other judges who took steps to investigate the conduct of US soldiers in Afghanistan. He also claims that Turkey [...]

©Wikimedia (

The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Monday upheld the acquittal of Christian woman Asia Bibi, who spent years on death row after being convicted of blasphemy. The court overturned her 2010 blasphemy conviction and death sentence in October for failure to proffer enough evidence that Bibi indeed committed the crime.  The review petition was filed by [...]