Bolivia passes bill to hold new elections News
© WikiMedia (Dan Lundberg)
Bolivia passes bill to hold new elections

Bolivia’s interim President, Jeanine Anez, on Monday provided formal assent to legislation that would create a path to fresh elections.

The bill was approved by both chambers of Bolivia’s legislature on Saturday, and Anez announced that she would sign the deal. The law effectively annuls the results of the hotly contested October election and creates a board that will soon set a date for new elections.

Longtime Bolivian president Evo Morales won a fourth term on October’s ballot but faced numerous accusations of vote-rigging and other election irregularities. He stepped down after weeks of sustained protests and outbursts of violence. The iconic socialist former president has now taken refuge in Mexico.

Morales’ party, Movement to Socialism (MAS), still commands Bolivia’s legislature. The party has agreed to put up a new candidate in the upcoming election, however, which will likely feature interim president Anez against a new MAS leader. A statement from the UN Secretary-General expressed support for “the positive developments … toward a peaceful and democratic solution to the crisis in Bolivia.”