Violence surrounding Afghanistan’s recent elections have resulted in 85 dead and 373 injured, according to a report from the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) published Wednesday.
More than 200 injuries and 28 deaths occurred on election day, September 28, primarily at the hands of a Taliban extremist group. The attacks involved grenades and other explosive devices, which were detonated near schools and other voting facilities. The UN has labeled these attacks crimes against humanity and has asked Afghan leaders to investigate and intervene in anti-government uprisings.
“UNAMA reiterates that the electoral process in Afghanistan is a civilian undertaking, and that the right of all citizens, without discrimination and without unreasonable restrictions, to participate in elections whether as candidates, voters or election workers is a basic and fundamental human right guaranteed under international human rights law and Afghan law.”
UNAMA recommended that the Afghanistan government change the locations of its polling centers, in the interest of citizen safety.