Supreme Court refuses to hear challenge to Michigan electoral maps News
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Supreme Court refuses to hear challenge to Michigan electoral maps

The US Supreme Court on Monday vacated a ruling by the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan that had declared the Republican-drawn electoral map unconstitutional, remanding the case to the lower court.

The Michigan suit had been brought by Democratic voters who alleged that the electoral map deliberately advantaged Republicans. In April a three-judge panel found that the map violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments and enjoined its use in future elections. That ruling was placed on hold by the Supreme Court prior to their June decision in Rucho v. Common Cause, a case that consolidated two similar claims of partisan gerrymandering, one from North Carolina and the other from Maryland. While the court in that decision agreed that those two plans were “highly partisan,” the justices held that the lower courts had exceeded their authority in declaring them unconstitutional.

Based on the Rucho decision the Supreme Court vacated a similar challenge to Ohio’s congressional map earlier this month.