California Governor Gavin Newson signed a bill on Friday making California the first state in the nation to ban fur products.
Under the existing Fish and Game Code, products or handicraft items made from fur-bearing mammals and non-game mammals lawfully taken under the authority of a trapping license may be purchased or sold at any time. The new law would make it unlawful to sell, offer for sale, display for sale, manufacture for sell, trade, or otherwise distribute for monetary or non-monetary consideration a fur product in the state.
The new law exempts used fur products, fur products used for religious purposes, and fur products used by Native Americans for traditional tribal, cultural, or spiritual purposes on the condition that they shall maintain a record of each sale or trade of those products for at least one year or report the receipt or purchase of them.
The new law also provides civil penalties for those who violate the law and will become effective on January 1, 2023.