New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed two gun control bills into law Monday: the first, a 30-day waiting period requirement for anyone who wants to buy a gun in the state, and the second, to close a loophole in the ownership and sale of bump stocks.
The waiting period law requires those who have come up as “delayed” in the Federal Background Check system (as opposed to “denied” or “proceed”) to wait 30 days. Before this, the waiting period was three days. The purpose is to give the FBI more time to review these outstanding applications.
Bump stocks are devices added to a semiautomatic rifle that can increase their speed. The second law signed Monday amends the state criminal code to prohibit the possession, manufacture, transport, and disposition of “rapid-fire modification devices.”
Other gun control measures awaiting Cuomo’s signature include a bill that would prevent teachers from carrying firearms on school grounds, buyback programs for state police, and a ban of undetectable guns, such as 3-D printed ones.