Scotland government releases independence referendum proposal News
Darilon / Pixabay
Scotland government releases independence referendum proposal

The Scottish Government released a framework bill Wednesday that would enable another independence referendum vote. The bill does not establish a date, question, or referendum period, all of which would have to be set in a separate piece of legislation.

Scotland last voted on independence from the UK in 2014, when voters rejected the proposal by about a 10 percent margin. In the 2016 “Brexit” vote, however, Scotland voted 68 percent to 32 percent to remain in the EU, while the UK as a whole chose to leave.

Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish First Minister and head of the Scottish National Party (SNP), used the Brexit vote to draw voters to the SNP stating: “Throughout the Brexit process, Scotland has been treated with contempt by Westminster, and our efforts to find compromise and protect the interests of the people of Scotland, who voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU, have been ignored.”

It remains to be seen whether London will approve another referendum.