UK House of Commons votes to request Brexit delay News
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UK House of Commons votes to request Brexit delay

The UK’s House of Commons voted on Wednesday to request an extension for the UK’s exit from the EU. The House of Commons approved the bill by a vote of 313 to 312.

The European Union (Withdrawal) No. 5 Bill will require the Prime Minster to move a motion in the House of Commons to seek an extension. However, the bill itself does not set a specific date as to how long the extensions should be. The Prime Minster must make the motion in the House of Commons the day after the bill receives Royal Assent. The bill must still pass the House of Lords before receiving Royal Assent.

In March, the EU extended the deadline for the UK’s exit (also known as Brexit) to April 12. Prime Minister Theresa May had originally requested an extension to June 30. May’s negotiated deal for the Brexit was rejected by the UK parliament for a third time in late March. If no extension is granted before April 12, the UK will exit the EU without any deal in place.