Two brothers of Sudan’s ousted President Omar al-Bashir were arrested Wednesday. A spokesperson for the transitional military council said the two were taken into custody as they were “symbols and leaders of the previous regime.”
Sudan’s defense minister, Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf announced on state television last Thursday that Omar al-Bashir had been detained and a military council will lead the country for two years. The Constitution had been suspended, the National Assembly dissolved, and a state of emergency declared.
The arrests occurred amid protests led by the Sudanese Professionals Association made up of doctors and health workers, engineers, and teachers demanding the power be placed in a civilian government instead of a military takeover.
The BBC reported Friday that the military, currently in charge, has given in to several of the protesters’ demands, including the naming of a prime minister and transferring Bashir to a maximum security prison. The protesters want more guarantees that the military will not be still in power behind the scenes and says it will name a transitional council at a news conference on Sunday.