UK lawmakers reject May’s Brexit deal again News
UK lawmakers reject May’s Brexit deal again

The UK House of Commons rejected Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit strategy for a second time on Tuesday.

MPs voted against the motion by a margin of 149, smaller than the 230 gap in January’s vote.

May said in a statement last week that if the deal was defeated, the House of Commons would be given the opportunity to vote on whether to pursue a no-deal Brexit on Wednesday March, 13 in a free-vote. This vote would permit MPs to vote their conscious, free from orders of party managers.

If that motion is defeated, the Government would then bring forward a motion on whether Parliament wants to seek ​a short, limited extension to Article 50 on March 14.

In response to the no vote, May said, “This is an issue of grave importance for the future of our country.” May then cautioned a vote to extend the deadline, noting “an extension does not solve the problems” the UK faces.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn pronounced the deal “clearly dead,” and called for a general election of a new government.

Full Transcript of the debate here.