LGBT group Equality Arizona on Thursday sued the Arizona government, alleging that the state’s HIV/AIDS instruction statute, ARS § 15-716(C), unconstitutionally discriminates against LGBTQ students and restricts their educational opportunities, violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The challenged statute prohibits HIV and AIDS instruction that “promotes a homosexual lifestyle.” Plaintiffs allege that the [...]

© WikiMedia (Cédric Puisney)

The European Court of Justice ruled Thursday that Germany did not violate EU law when the member state implemented a renewable energy surcharge to help level the energy market for its domestic renewable energy providers. In 2011 the German Legislature implemented an energy measure aimed at leveling out the competitive play field between convention and [...]


The US Supreme Court stayed the execution of Patrick Murphy, a Texas inmate who was denied a Buddhist spiritual adviser at his execution, late Thursday evening. Previously, under Texas law only spiritual advisers for Christianity or Islam were allowed in the execution chamber. All others would be required to remain in the viewing area. Murphy [...]

grapesky / Pixabay

Representatives Darren Soto (D-FL) and Jenniffer González-Colón (R-PR-Nonvoting) the Puerto Rico Admission Act of 2019 Thursday to admit Puerto Rico as the fifty-first state to join the union. The Resolution proposes to admit Puerto Rico 90 days after the bill becomes law without requiring a referendum from Puerto Rico’s citizens. The resolution finds the previous [...]

© WikiMedia (POMED)

UN Special Rapporteur Agnes Callamard on Thursday called for the investigation and prosecution for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi to be made public nearly a month after she announced that there was evidence the murder was planned by Saudi Arabian officials. A Saudi public prosecutor indicted 110out of the 21 suspects and sought the death [...]

nancydowd / Pixabay

Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló signed an executive order on Wednesday, banning the practice of “conversion therapy” for LGBQT+ minors. The order, which took effect immediately, requires the Secretary of Health to promulgate regulations within 90 days that prevents licensed health care professional from administering the practice. The executive order defines “conversion” or “reparative” therapies as “those interventions [...]

Photo Credit: Carrie Thompson

The 3rd District of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals on Wednesday stayed a lower court ruling, which held that laws passed and appointments made during the December lame-duck session were unconstitutional, thereby reinstating the some of the laws. The court, in granting the stay, found that plaintiffs’ likelihood of success on appeal and irreparable injury that [...]

© WikiMedia (Sebastian Rittau)

A jury awarded $80 million dollars to Edwin Hardeman. Last week, a jury attributed his non-Hodgkins lymphoma to using Roundup weed killer on his property for more than two decades. There has been ongoing litigation surrounding the pesticide. Last summer, Monsanto was originally ordered to pay $289.2 million in damages to a former pest control [...]