The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) on Monday published an evaluation report urging Poland to promote greater transparency among persons exercising top executive functions.
According to the report, 58 percent of Poles consider corruption widespread. Cases of integrity issues concerning both the police and senior government officials have been reported at regular intervals.
GRECO suggests that an overarching policy and comprehensives rules of conduct accompanied by implementation support measures is needed. A central register would make information more transparent and would strengthen Poland’s arrangements for the declaration of assets. Other recommendations concern the transparency of the government’s legislative process and the rules on access to information, which should be further developed and equipped with an effective appeal mechanism to ensure their effectiveness.
The report further suggests that Poland needs to establish an objective and transparent system for the appointment, promotion and dismissal of all senior managers in the Police and Border Guards. Methods include establishing a proper and reliable risk assessment to assist in the definition of future integrity policies; a rapid clarification of the Internal Supervisory Office’s respective responsibilities and leadership functions; clear and effective rules regarding the disclosure of crimes and misconduct; and the protection of reporting persons.