New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood on Friday announced a settlement agreement reached with Abbott Laboratories regarding breast-feeding and formula feeding habit surveys that Abbott Laboratories sent to new mothers between March 2015 and April 2017.
The surveys that were sent by Abbott Laboratories used a logo for “National Institute of Infant Nutrition.” The surveys were also signed by a Research Director. There is no actual entity known as the the National Institute of Infant Nutrition, and the name was only used by Abbott Laboratories in their marketing surveys. More than 225,000 surveys and 16,000 follow-up surveys we re sent to New York residents during that time period with the National Institute of Infant Nutrition logo. Abbott Laboratories stopped using the National Institute of Infant Nutrition logo after the start of the Attorney General Offices’ investigation into the surveys.
The Attorney General has accused Abbott Laboratories of deceptive acts or practices and false advertising. Abbott Laboratories have agreed to the settlement but neither admits nor denies that its actions violated the state statutes. Abbott Laboratories must pay a $50,000 fine to Office of the Attorney General. Future surveys must also clearly state the purpose of the surveys and the company name in which the survey is being completed for. The settlement agreement took effect on November 5, 2018.