fcassera / Pixabay

The Organized Crime and Corrupt Reporting Project (OCCRP) released materials on Tuesday detailing widespread corruption within the ranks of the Maldives government just days before a presidential election. The reports allege that members of the Maldives government fraudulently conveyed at least 50 of the country’s tropical islands to foreign investors and pocketed much of the proceeds. President Abdulla [...]


South Africa’s Constitutional Court on Tuesday decriminalized personal consumption of marijuana. The judgement, written by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, says that because “the population have been accustomed for hundreds of years to the use of dagga , both as an intoxicant and in the belief that it has medicinal properties,” it can be considered [...]


After the release of the grand jury report  last month that exposed  widespread abuse within the Catholic Church, hundreds of victims across Pennsylvania have been invited to join a massive class action lawsuit filed  in Allegheny County on Monday. Plaintiffs Ryan O’Connor and Kristen Hancock, on behalf of her minor child, are suing all eight [...]

© WikiMedia (Presidencia de la N. Argentina)

Former Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner  was indicted  Monday on charges of bribery in connection with construction companies receiving public works contracts. The allegations involve a complex network of politicians and businessmen alleged to have been involved in a bribery scheme during her two terms as president from 2007-2015. This latest set of charges stem [...]

stevepb / Pixabay

The US Senate  approved the Support for Patients and Communities Act  on Monday to to address opioid and substance use disorders in an effort to fight the national opioid epidemic. The bill passed 99-1  with Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) giving the only vote against the legislation. The bill would alter Medicaid and Medicare programs as [...]


The Senate Judiciary Committee  announced  on Monday that it will postpone the vote on President Donald Trump’s nominee to the US Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh , and allow Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Kavanaugh of attempted sexual assault, to speak at a public hearing next Monday.  Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley  said that the Committee will give “these recent allegations [...]

© WikiMedia (Hypergio)

The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Monday sentenced  former Vice President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Jean-Pierre Bemba  to 12 months in prison and issued a $350,000 fine for bribing witnesses during his war crimes trial in 2016. ICC Judge Bertram Schmitt reduced  his sentence to zero after factoring in the time he served [...]

© WikiMedia (Mona)

Six UN Special Rapporteurs called  on the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Monday to respond to a recent Egyptian court decision that condemned 75 protesters to death. The court sentenced another 47 protesters to life in prison. The protesters were charged with illegal gathering, involvement in violence, and incitement to break the law. The Special [...]


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced Monday that he would enter a bid to end judicial immunity for politicians, in an effort to end corruption. One hundred days after replacing his Conservative predecessor, Sánchez announced the initiative in an attempt to restore peoples’ confidence in politics. “The challenge we have is for citizens to believe [...]