Amnesty International urges Russia to protect lawyer who fled after releasing torture video News
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Amnesty International urges Russia to protect lawyer who fled after releasing torture video

Amnesty International [official website] released a statement [official website] Monday urging the Russian Government to protect Russian Lawyer Irina Biryukova, who fled the country after receiving threats following the release of a video showing her detained client being tortured. In the video, guards are shown performing inhumane acts and are said to now be allegedly plotting revenge against Biryukova for leaking the video.

Irina Biryukova’s brave decision to expose the appalling abuse within IK-1 penal colony is the latest example of her dedication to protecting others from torture and other ill-treatment. It is alarming that her act of courage has forced her to flee the country in fear.

There were 18 guards shown in the video, all of whom have been identified.

According to the Investigative Committee for the Russian Federation [official website, in Russian], 6 have been detained so far.