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Former Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif, his daughter, Maryam Nawaz, and Nawaz’s husband, appealed to the Islamabad High Court  on Monday, challenging their convictions handed down by a Pakistani anticorruption court earlier this month. Sharif, Nawaz and her husband were arrested on Friday upon arriving in Pakistan to face their sentences. Sharif was sentenced  to [...]

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The attorneys general for New York, Connecticut, Maryland and New Jersey filed a lawsuit  on Tuesday against the Trump administration’s $10,000 limit on the federal deduction for state and local taxes (SALT), alleging that it harms taxpayers and undermines state sovereignty. The suit alleges that taxpayers in the plaintiff states will not only be paying more [...]

cegoh / Pixabay

The EU and Japan signed a trade deal known as the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Tuesday that eliminates almost all tariffs on products traded between them. The agreement was finalized in December and agreed upon at the EU-Japan summit held in Tokyo this week. According to an EU statement the EPA, which the EU [...]


UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of migrants, Felipe González Morales, said Monday that countries that return migrants to their countries of origin are disregarding human rights considerations. In his report , the Special Rapporteur called for safer passage for returning immigrants, ensuring such returns are voluntary for immigrants, better reintegration programs for immigrants who have returned [...]

© Wikimedia (The All-Nite Images)

A judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia  ruled  Monday that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was not required to engage in a formal notice-and-comment rule making procedure before shifting the criterion for evaluating grant applications under Title X of the Public Health Service Act . Title X allows [...]

3dman_eu / Pixabay

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) unsealed a criminal complaint and an affidavit on Monday against Russian national Mariia Butina for conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government without notification to the Attorney General and influencing American politics. Butina is accused of working on behalf of the Russian Federation and attempting to [...]

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The Egyptian Parliament on Monday approved a law that would protect high ranking and senior military officers from prosecution. This law is in response to the 2013 violent overthrow of former president Mohammed Morsi. With the new legislation, current President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi will have the power to grant immunity to those officers involved in the coup. [...]


A federal judge on Monday ordered the Trump administration to temporarily cease deporting families who have been reunited after the administration dropped its policy of separating undocumented children from their parents. The American Civil Liberties Union brought a request  before Judge Dana Sabraw of the US District Court for the Southern District of California  asking that [...]