Here’s the international legal news we covered this week:
Supreme Court of India [official website] on Friday
upheld [ruling, PDF] the verdict of the Constitutional Bench which upheld the removal of life-support for individuals who are terminally ill or in incurable comas, otherwise known as passive euthanasia.
A bipartisan group of Argentine lawmakers proposed
legislation [text, PDF, in Spanish] on Tuesday allowing women, in their “exercise of the human right to health,” to voluntarily “interrupt” their pregnancy during the first 14 weeks.
Titled “Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy,” the bill sets out the woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy in the first 14 weeks in the first article, and then later adds that a woman can terminate the pregnancy beyond the 14-week period if: 1) “the pregnancy was the product of a violation;” 2) there is a risk to the physical, mental or social health or the life of the woman; or 3) there are serious fetal malfunctions.
Knesset [official website, in Hebrew] on Wednesday
passed [press release] an amendment to its “Entry into Israel” law authorizing the minister of Interior to cancel the permanent residency status of individuals suspected of involvement in terrorist activities or committing acts constituting “breach of trust against the State of Israel.”
The bill was a response to a ruling of the Israel High Court of Justice overriding the Ministry of the Interior [official website, in Hebrew] decision in 2006 to revoke the residency status of four east Jerusalem Palestinians who served in various roles in the Palestinian Authority government.
UN investigators on Tuesday
reported [press release] that Russian airstrikes on a Syrian market that killed more than 80 civilians last year may constitute a war crime.
Supreme Court of Ireland [website]
ruled [judgment] Wednesday that unborn children are not offered additional protections apart from the right to life in the
Eighth Amendment [text] to the Constitution of Ireland.
The judgment came from an immigration case where a Nigerian national attempted to repeal an order of deportation on the basis that his Irish partner was pregnant with his child.
Romanian Constitutional Court [official website] on Tuesday
struck down [press release and judgment, in Romanian] a law that would have allowed politicians to own their own private businesses.
UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment [official website]
called [press release] on the international community Monday to recognize that people have the right to a healthy environment.
John Knox presented a report [text, PDF] on the framework principles of “human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment” to the Human Rights Council.
UN Human Rights Council [official website]
passed [press release] a
resolution [Text, PDF] on Monday calling for the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic to “urgently conduct a comprehensive and independent inquiry into the recent events in Eastern Ghouta.”
The resolution passed with a vote of 29-4 with 14 abstaining.