Here’s the domestic legal news we covered this week:
A judge for the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
ruled [opinion, PDF] Friday that the Trump administration cannot withhold grants to so-called “sanctuary cities,” issuing a nationwide injunction.
A judge for the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
ruled [opinion, PDF] Friday that the Trump administration cannot withhold grants to so-called “sanctuary cities,” issuing a nationwide injunction.
Three former Google employees filed a
lawsuit [complaint] Thursday accusing the company of wage discrimination against women.
House of Representatives [government website] on Tuesday passed a
joint resolution [text], now awaiting President Donald Trump’s signature, which condemns both the recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the hate groups involved.
The state of Ohio executed convicted killer Gary Otte Wednesday morning after the US
Supreme Court [official website]
denied [text, PDF] his request for a stay on Tuesday night.
The US
Department of Justice (DOJ) [official website]
announced [press release] on Tuesday that it will be not pursue charges against the six Baltimore police officers for the death of Freddie Gray, finding there was insufficient evidence prove beyond a reasonable doubt that officers willfully violated federal civil rights.
[JURIST] A judge of the
New Hampshire Superior Court [official court] on Tuesday
blocked [order, PDF]
SB 3 [materials], a New Hampshire law that would have potentially imposed a fine or potential jail time if voters did not submit proof of residence within 10 days of registering to vote.
Supreme Court [official website] Justice Anthony Kennedy issued an
order [text, PDF] Monday staying a lower court ruling, allowing enforcement of the Trump administration travel ban against refugees.
The Justice Department had filed an emergency application [text, PDF] to block a Ninth Circuit decision [opinion, PDF] that would have exempted refugees from the ban.
The Ninth Circuit weighed in on what constitutes a bona fide relationship, in accordance with a previous Supreme Court order in relation to the travel ban.