On Saturday the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) accused a recent cyber attack on Russia and the Kremlin. The SBU stated that the hackers behind the most recent attack are the same as those who conducted...
In a narrow 4-3 decision , the Supreme Court of Iowa ruled on Friday that former Iowa Workers' Compensation Commissioner, and now chief judge of the board, Christopher Godfrey can sue high-ranking government officials, including Governor Kim...
Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy signed a bill into law on Friday which takes aim at the state's ongoing opioid epidemic. Calling the widespread epidemic "a complex crisis that does not have one root cause, nor... a...
The Austria Constitutional Court on Friday ruled that the government seizure of the apartment complex where Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was born is constitutional. The Court elaborated [press release, PDF;...
The Supreme Court of Texas held on Friday that the Houston's benefits policy need not extend to same-sex couples. In so holding, the Court concluded that: "The Supreme Court held in Obergefell that the Constitution...