[JURIST] The UN said on Thursday that civilians bear the biggest brunt of terrorism [UN report, press release] and violence in Iraq, reporting that civilians “accounted for more than two-thirds of those killed or injured in the month of August.” Out of 691 individuals killed in Iraq, 473 were civilians. Baghdad had reports that 231 civilians were killed and 676 were injured. Civilians have also been specifically targeted as days ago Daesh suicide bombers attacked a wedding celebration and the capital. The report concluded saying that accurate numbers of civilian casualties could not be obtained for some areas.
Iraq has been closely scrutinized for human rights violations. Last month Human Rights Watch reported that Iraqi militias are recruiting children [JURIST report] from at least one civilian camp of displaced persons in the region of Kurdistan. Earlier in August the UN issued a report detailing the “terrible atrocities” [JURIST report] committed by the Islamic State against the Yezidi people and other ethnic and religious groups in Iraq. Also last month UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein expressed concern [JURIST report] over efforts by the Iraqi government to expedite implementation of the death penalty.