Gary Tyler was released from Louisiana's notorious Angola prison on Saturday after serving 41 years of an unconstitutional life sentence for the death of a white high school student resulting from a racially charged confrontation. Tyler spent eight...
The Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico (GDB) announced its agreement with various state chartered credit unions in Puerto Rico whereby the maturity date of approximately $33 million of notes issued in a limited private...
Thai police confirmed Saturday that eight people have been charged with sedition and computer crimes in relation to Facebook posts in opposition of the government. The activists were detained on Wednesday for comments concerning Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha...
The Supreme Court of North Korea on Friday sentenced US citizen, Kim Dong-chul, to 10 years in prison and hard labor on charges of subversion and espionage . Kim, 62, was a resident of Virginia before moving to China...
Reinhold Hanning, a 94-year-old former Schutzstaffel (SS) guard in the Auschwitz death camp between 1942 and 1944, apologized to Nazi victims at his trial in Detmold, a small town in West Germany. Hanning, who is accused of being an accessory...
The North Gauteng High Court in South Africa on Friday ordered that the 2009 decision to discontinue the prosecution of President Jacob Zuma on 783 corruption charges be set aside, and that Zuma and his codefendants...
US Central Command released its final report Friday on the October airstrike that hit a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, finding that the strike was not a war crime. The investigation concluded...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein on Friday urged all parties to disengage from all-out war in Syria, expressing deep concern over a "monstrous disregard for civilian lives." Reports of civilian deaths...
The US Supreme Court on Friday refused to block Texas from enforcing its controversial voter identification law. Plaintiffs had filed an application with the Supreme Court last month, asking the court to vacate a...
The US Supreme Court approved a rule change Thursday that would permit US judges to issue search warrants granting access to computers in any jurisdiction. Chief Justice John Roberts sent the changes to the Federal Rules...