Cuba releases 53 political prisoners News
Cuba releases 53 political prisoners

[JURIST] Cuba has released 53 political prisoners as part of last month’s historic agreement [press release; fact sheet] between US and Cuba, US officials said Monday. The release of the prisoners, primarily opposition figures, was a condition of the policy changes [JURIST report] that seek to assuage relations between the two countries after decades of tension. Many of those released were imprisoned for speaking out against the Cuban government by promoting political and social reform. The US has verified the prisoners’ release.

Upon taking office, US President Barack Obama pledged to reexamine US policy toward Cuba. In 2011 Obama ordered the Departments of State, Treasury and Homeland Security [official websites] to take steps to ease restrictions on travel and remittances [JURIST report] to Cuba. The regulations built off of those issued in April 2009 [JURIST report], which eased travel and remittances restrictions for Cuban Americans and their families in Cuba only.