India's President, Shri Pranab Mukherjee approved the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) Bill on Wednesday to modify the judicial selection process in the nation's supreme courts and 24 high courts. The bill replaces [Times of...
Illinois Governor Patt Quinn on Tuesday signed into law a bill that establishes new rules over how private conversations may be recorded. The new law requires that all parties involved in a private conversation...
On Wednesday the US Department of Defense said five prisoners at Guantanamo Bay will be released to the Kazakhstan government as part of an effort by the Obama Administration to expedite the closing of the...
Palestinian leaders will meet on Wednesday to plan actions after the UN Security Council rejected a resolution on Tuesday to end Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories within three years. Palestinian officials said they could set...
Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced on Tuesday that Iran and the six world powers of P5+1 are set to resume low-level talks on Iran's nuclear program in Geneva on Jan 15, though wide...
The International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh (ICTB) sentenced Islamist leader ATM Azharul Islam to death on Tuesday for war crimes committed during the 1971 War of Liberation against Pakistan. Azharul...
Pakistani police have detained the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks on abduction charges a day after a court ordered his release. Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi was detained in Pakistani custody since 2008 for heading...
Moscow's Zamoskvoretsky District Court announced an early verdict on Tuesday, giving opposition activist Alexei Navalny a suspended sentence of 3.5 years for embezzlement, and ordering him to stay under house arrest until...
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday told US Secretary of State John Kerry that Palestine plans to submit a resolution for a UN Security Council statehood bid. The Palestine Liberation Organizaton ...
South Korea on Monday offered to resume high-level talks with North Korea, after stalled communication between the two countries resulted from the United States' placement of blame on North Korea for a recent cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment [official...