JURIST releases inaugural podcast! News
JURIST releases inaugural podcast!

[JURIST announcement] We are proud to announce the release of a new JURIST endeavor: the JURIST Podcast. On a monthly basis, our editors, contributors, professional staff and other friends of JURIST will get together to discuss the issues of the day. We hope that the podcast will allow us to treat your ears to the same brand of no-nonsense legal news JURIST has been delivering to your eyes for 17 years.

JURIST staff in pocast recording session
Listen to JURIST Editors Ian Everhart, Jaimie Cremeans, Kimberly Bennett, Cynthia Miley, Sam Franklin and Ben Minegar discuss the release of classified information by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden [JURIST backgrounder], as well as a few interesting security updates at the Texas Capitol.

JURIST wants to thank the staff at WPTS for helping us to get this project off the ground.

As always, we welcome your input on this new attempt to deliver JURIST to our audience. Send your questions, complaints, rants, diatribes, accolades and notes to podcast@jurist.org