The US House of Representatives on Wedneday voted to reauthorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act of 2008 (FISA) , a highly contested law designed as a national security protection against terrorism and other foreign threats....
The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on Wednesday refused to reconsider a decision to deny a posthumous appeal to restore the citizenship of convicted Nazi guard John Demjanjuk . Demjanjuk,...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Thursday told a special session of the Human Rights Council that 16 nations have failed to prevent members of their own governments from intimidating and...
The US House Committee on Foreign Affairs on Wednesday held a hearing to discuss the Chinese government's practice of harvesting organs from executed inmates. The hearing included testimony by three witnesses supporting allegations that the government...
The trial chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) ruled Thursday that the sister-in-law of former Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot is not mentally competent to stand trial, ordering...
A judge for the US District Court for the Southern District of New York on Wednesday permanently enjoined a US law that allows authorities to detain certain suspects indefinitely if they are found to have...
The Missouri Senate and House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to override a veto Governor Jay Nixon of a bill that prohibits mandatory insurance coverage of birth control for anyone with ethical...
A military judge ruled Monday that he lacks authority to allow media to broadcast the trial of accused USS Cole bomber Abd al-Rahim Nashiri . Al-Nashiri's defense lawyers moved ...
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called Wednesday for the release of members of the rock band Pussy Riot , saying that time served has been severe enough and that anymore time...
The Montana Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that there is no constitutional right to the cultivation, distribution and use of medical marijuana . The plaintiffs in the case sought to prevent the enactment and...