A judge for the Supreme Court of Nepal was shot and killed Thursday while traveling to work. Judge Rana Bahadur Bam, who was under investigation for allegedly taking bribes was shot in his...
A report released by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) concluded that two of the prosecutors involved in the 2008 trial of former senator Ted Stevens acted recklessly in their management of...
A judge for the US District Court for the District of Arizona ruled Tuesday that several Arizona residents have legal standing to challenge the state's controversial immigration law passed in...
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) on Thursday sentenced former Rwandan Minister of Youth and Sports Callixte Nzabonimana to life in prison after finding him guilty of charges related to...
The California Senate voted 23-13 Wednesday to approve a bill that would ban psychotherapies aimed at changing the sexual orientation of minors. According to supporters, the underlying reason for the legislation is that homosexuality is...
The Tunisia Judges' Union went on strike Wednesday to protest a decision by Justice Minister Noureddine Bhiri to fire more than 80 judges. According to the head of the Judge's Union, Raoudha Abidi, the judiciary's open-ended...
The Minnesota Supreme Court on Wednesday issued a summary judgment in favor of Philip Morris, Inc. , finding that the plaintiffs were barred from recovery due to a settlement in a state lawsuit from...
Director General of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) , Irina Bokova , expressed her concern Tuesday over the murder of Somali journalist Ahmed Addow Anshur, who was killed last...
The American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota (ACLU-MN) on Wednesday filed a petition seeking to eliminate a proposed ballot initiative that would amend the Minnesota Constitution to require citizens to present photo identification...
A Pakistani doctor who helped the US government find Osama Bin Laden was convicted last week for his association to a militant group in Pakistan, not for his ties to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)...