An Iraqi-Canadian civilian on Wednesday appealed his conviction by a US military court. Alaa "Alex" Mohammad Ali , a military contractor who was convicted by a US military court in Iraq in 2008, argued that...
The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida (ACLUFL) filed a lawsuit Tuesday challenging an executive order that mandates state government agencies provide pre-employment drug screening for all prospective employees and provide for random...
Rwandan gacaca courts have carried out flawed trials for crimes committed during the country's 1994 genocide , according to a report released Tuesday by Human Rights Watch (HRW) ....
A three-person commission for the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) appointed to investigate violence in Libya published a report Wednesday saying that government forces have committed crimes against humanity and war crimes under orders from Libyan...
A trial date for former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was set on Wednesday for August 3 at the Cairo Criminal Court . Mubarak, his two sons and possibly his wife will go...
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) prosecutor Serge Brammertz said Wednesday that Ratko Mladic will appear before the tribunal Friday to face allegations of war crimes...
US Attorney General Eric Holder Wednesday testified before the US Sentencing Commission (USSC) calling for the retroactive application of a new law bringing the sentences for crack cocaine more in line for those...
A judge for the US District Court for the Northern District of California Tuesday approved a settlement agreement in a privacy lawsuit against Google over its Buzz social networking application, awarding damages...
Iran's Parliament voted on Wednesday to take President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to court for "illegally" declaring himself oil minister. Last month, Ahmadinejad fired minister of oil Masoud Mirkazemi in an effort...
Bahrain on Wednesday lifted its emergency laws imposed in mid-March that allowed for a crackdown against journalists and opposition leaders. The move may be a sign that the uprising in Bahrain is winding down. Despite the lifting of the...