A Tanzanian judge on Thursday urged police to arrest Freeman Mbowe, the chairman of the country's opposition party, Chadema . Judge Charles Magesa issued arrest warrants for Mbowe and six others last week when they failed...
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) and a coalition of other civil rights groups filed a class action lawsuit Thursday challenging a Georgia immigration law similar...
The Global Commission on Drug Policy released a report Thursday recommending international legalization of cannabis, marijuana and other drugs. The panel also recommended expanding the variety of treatments available to drug users, as well as...
US authorities announced Thursday that they are investigating claims by Google that hundreds of personal Gmail accounts were breached by hackers in China. Google disclosed on Wednesday that hundreds of users, including US government and military officials...
Russia's Federal Security Service on Thursday charged Rustam Makhmudov with the 2006 murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya , after his arrest Tuesday. Makhmudov, an assumed assassin on an international...
The Obama administration took a stand Wednesday against a controversial Indiana law that prevents health care providers with abortion services from receiving Medicaid funds. Donald Berwick, administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid...
Iraqi police forces have been beating and illegally detaining protesters over the past week, according to a report released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch (HRW) . Demonstrators are reported to be peacefully protesting, or simply organizing protests,...
The New York attorney general on Wednesday filed a complaint against the US government for failing to investigate the risks of hydraulic fracturing , or "fracking," a controversial technique used to release natural shale gas. The...
The Port Authority or New York and New Jersey , owners and maintainers of the World Trade Center (WTC), argued in an appeal on Wednesday before the New York Court of Appeals [official...
The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Wednesday heard oral arguments over a challenge to the individual mandate of the health care reform law . The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) [advocacy...