Israel's interception of a Gaza-bound flotilla violated international law, according to a report released Wednesday by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) . After conducting numerous interviews with eye-witnesses and viewing other evidence,...
Florida's Third District Court of Appeal on Wednesday struck down a state law prohibiting gay couples from adopting, finding that it failed rational basis review and violated the state constitution's equal protection clause....
Kenyan businessman Joseph Gathungu filed a lawsuit Wednesday challenging the constitutionality of the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation into the violence following the 2007 Kenyan presidential election . The suit, which was filed in the...
Polish prosecutors announced Wednesday that they will open an investigation into the alleged mistreatment of accused USS Cole bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri at a secret CIA prison in Poland. The investigation...
The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit heard arguments Tuesday in a case challenging the constitutionality of the False Claims Act , which allows citizen "whistle-blowers" to sue federal contractors for committing fraud against the...
The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania (ACLU-PA) and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) on Monday filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Pittsburgh, Police Chief Nathan Harper and more than 15 police...
The US Senate on Tuesday rejected a cloture motion on the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year 2011 , a defense appropriations bill that would have repealed the US armed forces' "Don't...
The UN panel of experts tasked with monitoring and assessing investigations into alleged war crimes during the 2008-2009 conflict in the Gaza Strip issued a report Tuesday criticizing the investigations...
Officials for Imperial County , California, announced Tuesday that the county has submitted its opening brief in an appeal against last month's federal court decision striking down California's ban on same-sex marriage [JURIST news...
New York Governor David Paterson (D) signed a bill on Sunday allowing unmarried partners, including gay couples, to jointly adopt a child. The law amends the language of Section 110 of New York's...