Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Thursday urged the government of Burundi to hold accountable those responsible for human rights violations during the country's 16-year armed conflict. HRW released the statement on the...
The Council of the European Union on Thursday announced sanctions against members of the Myanmar judiciary responsible for the verdict against opposition pro-democracy advocate Aung San Suu Kyi [BBC profile; JURIST news...
Former US president William Jefferson Clinton addressed a capacity crowd late Thursday night at a progressive convention held by Netroots Nation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Since leaving office, Clinton has become known for his charitable and...
Israeli soldiers killed 11 white flag-waving Palestinian civilians in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead , which left more than 1,000 civilians and combatants dead in December 2008 and January 2009, according to a Human Rights Watch (HRW) [advocacy...
Federal and state officials toured a prison in rural Michigan Thursday in anticipation that it could eventually hold inmates currently detained at Guantanamo Bay . Officials have not yet decided whether...
Pakistan's Awami National Party (ANP) will support Article 6 treason charges against former president Pervez Musharraf , according to a Thursday Daily Times report. Although it is part of the ruling coalition...
UN and Cambodian officials on Wednesday announced the establishment of an independent counselor to oversee anti-corruption efforts at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) . The parties mutually agreed to...
The Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Thursday affirmed the conviction of publisher Ramazan Esergepov, sentenced to three years in jail for revealing state secrets in his newspaper. Esergepov was convicted on Saturday ...
Former Argentine general Santiago Omar Riveros was convicted of human rights abuses Wednesday and sentenced to life in prison for the killing of 15-year-old Floreal Avellaneda and the detention of his mother during the country's military dictatorship. From 1976...
The Mexican Supreme Court of Justice on Wednesday ordered the release of 20 men and the retrial of 6 others convicted in connection with the 1997 massacre in Acteal, Chiapas [AI...