New York lawyer Mark Dreier pleaded guilty Monday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York to fraud charges for perpetrating a scheme that cost investors more than $400 million. Appearing before Judge...
The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia on Monday denied a second request for release on bail by former Khmer Rouge official Ieng Thirith . Ieng was Minister of Social Action in...
Afghanistan's Wolesi Jirga , the lower house of the Afghan parliament, on Monday demanded that restrictions be placed on foreign forces to avoid further civilian casualties before recessing in protest of recent air strikes. Wolesi Jirga secretary Abdul...
Lawsuit by the Sami People of Sweden against the Swedish government, Gallivare District Court, May 11, 2009 . Read the full text of the complaint . Reported in...
The Swedish Sami Association (SSR) on Monday brought a lawsuit against the Swedish government claiming that the state is violating the hunting rights [application summary, PDF,...
US journalist Roxana Saberi was released from an Iranian prison Monday after an Iranian court of appeals on Sunday reduced her eight-year sentence for espionage to two years and then suspended the sentence. According...
Lilian S. Ileto, et al. v. Glock Inc., et al., US Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, May 11, 2009 ....
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Monday that it is reversing Bush administration antitrust policies that made it difficult to act against large companies that harm the interests of smaller companies. In a speech...
Petitioners v. Barack Obama, et al., US District Court for the District of Columbia, May 11, 2009 [holding that the US government failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that Guantanamo Bay detainee Alla Ali Bin Ali Ahmed...
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on Saturday harshly criticized the Obama administration's reported consideration of reviving the military commissions system to try Guantanamo Bay detainees . ACLU Executive Director Anthony...