Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act, signed by President Obama May 20, 2009 . Read the full text of the legislative materials. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here....
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, The White House, May 20, 2009 [directing that a sufficient legal basis is required for federal authorities to preempt state laws and that any legitimate state prerogatives should be fully considered,...
A US military judge on Tuesday granted a government motion to postpone hearings for Saudi Guantanamo Bay detainee Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Haza al-Darbi . Chief judge for military commissions Colonel James Pohl granted...
Members of the US Senate on Tuesday voted 90-6 to approve an amendment eliminating $80 million from pending legislation intended to fund the closure of the Guantanamo Bay ...
A council for the European Union (EU) on Tuesday said that Turkey should do more in terms of judicial reform, protection of citizens' rights, and various other efforts in order to further their request...
A judge in the US District Court of New Jersey dismissed a lawsuit Tuesday brought by the Constitutional Litigation Clinic at the Rutgers School of Law alleging that former president George W. Bush...
Disgraced Democratic Party fundraiser Norman Hsu was convicted Tuesday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York on charges of violating the Federal Elections Campaign Act (FECA) . Hsu was...
The Colombian Senate on Tuesday approved a proposal to hold a referendum on amending the country's constitution to allow for a third presidential term. Passed by a vote of 62-5,...
Judge John Bates of the US District Court for the District of Columbia ruled Tuesday on the limits of detaining terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay who are not actual members of terrorist...
The Israeli High Court of Justice on Tuesday ordered the government to fund non-Orthodox conversion institutions. The decision, handed down by a three-judge panel, breaks the monopoly that Orthodox conversion institutions hold over public...