The UN Durban Review Conference on racism began on Monday with the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressing concerns over the decision by the US and several other countries to boycott...
A witness in the trial of former Khmer Rogue leader Kaing Guek Eav , also known as "Duch," testified Monday about his uncle's execution by Kaing and other crimes committed at the prison...
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday issued an order to prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi to recognize the legal rights of detained journalists Roxana Saberi and Hossein Derakhshan , according to a report...
French police arrested Jurdan Martitegi Lizaso , the alleged leader of Spain's Basque separatist group ETA , and two others during Saturday raids in which Spanish police also arrested six other...
US President Barack Obama is in violation of international law for declining to prosecute Bush-era CIA agents who allegedly used torture , UN special rapporteur on torture Manfred Nowak said in an...
The government of Serbia on Friday submitted its arguments against the legality of Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) . Serbian Minister...
The Somali parliament voted Saturday to adopt Islamic Sharia law . A parliamentary spokesperson said that more than 300 Somali MPs voted for the implementation of Sharia law as part of an attempt...
The Revolutionary Court of Iran convicted US journalist Roxana Saberi of espionage earlier, sentencing her to eight years in prison, according to her lawyer Saturday. The trial, in which Saberi was accused of passing classified information to...
A three judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit vacated Friday the Bush-era program for leasing of land for oil and gas drilling on the US Outer Continental...
The National Institute of Health (NIH) issued proposed guidelines for funding human embryonic stem cell research Friday, which limits funding to embryos that were created to be used in fertility clinics...