[JURIST] Pakistani authorities Saturday reinstated four more judges ousted from their positions in November when former President Pervez Musharraf proclaimed emergency rule. The reappointment of four judges of the Lahore High Court follows an announcement Wednesday that eight other judges in Sindh province were being restored to office [JURIST report]. The latest reappointments bring the total of resinstated judges to 12, out of the total of 60 superior court judges removed, including former Pakistan Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry. PTI has more.
Representatives of Pakistan's lawyers' movement have denounced the "selective" reappointments as an effort undermine their campaign for total reinstatement. Pakistan media reports claimed last week that the governing Pakistan People's Party plans to reappoint some 16 ousted judges [PakTribune report], a move opposed by its former coalition partner [JURIST report], the PML-N, led by ex-prime minister Nawaz Sharif.