[JURIST] Convicted Kosovo Albanian war criminal Haradin Bala has been transferred [ICTY press release] to a prison in France to serve out the rest of his 13-year sentence [JURIST news report], the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) [official website; JURIST news archive] announced Thursday. In 2005, Bala was found guilty of the torture, cruel treatment, and murder of prisoners held at a camp run by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) [BBC backgrounder] during the KLA's open rebellion against Serbian forces in 1998. Bala's conviction was upheld [JURIST report] on appeal in 2007. The UN News Service has more.
ICTY war crimes suspects are held at the a detention unit [ICTY backgrounder] in The Hague during trial, and after conviction are moved to one of 15 countries that have agreed to take custody of ICTY defendants.