[JURIST] JURIST has been nominated in New York for a prestigious Webby Award as the best Law website of 2008, and with online polls for the Webby People's Voice competition closing late on Thursday, May 1, we hope you'll support JURIST and our staff of dedicated law students by voting for us!
Here's how:
1. Register to vote: click here;Once you've voted yourself, please spread the word to your colleagues and friends – anyone you think would support the online public service JURIST's law students perform every day by providing serious, thoroughly-documented legal news and expert commentary to tens of thousands of online readers worldwide, all for free and without advertising.2. Once you register, an activation code will be sent to your e-mail (check to make sure it's not misdirected to your "junk" folder);
3. Log on here and click on "Website: Vote now";
4. Scroll down to "Society" and click on the "Law" category;
5. Vote for JURIST!
Thank you from JURIST!