[JURIST] The Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights [advocacy website] has filed a complaint [press release, PDF] with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, part of the Organization of American States [official websites], against Mexico, alleging that the Mexican government failed to adequately respond to the 1974 disappearance of guerrilla sympathizer Rosendo Radilla during Mexico's so-called "dirty war" [National Security Archive backgrounder] against leftist activists in the 1960s and 70s. According to the complaint, filed Saturday, Mexico has failed in its response to investigate Radilla's disappearance and to bring to justice those responsible. This is the first time an international court will hear a case brought against Mexico for disappearances during its "dirty war."
Similar cases have been brought in local courts, stemming from Mexico's "scorched-earth" campaign in the 1960s and 1970s which, according to a 2006 report [JURIST report], resulted in crimes against humanity, including genocide, torture, executions and disappearances. The report outlines alleged crimes committed by Mexican military and security forces under three different presidents during the nation's 18-year campaign, including the execution of hundred of citizens and suspected guerrillas, and an attempt to deny food to residents where leftist guerrillas operated. AP has more.