[JURIST] Spanish officials said Saturday the remaining members of Basque separatist group ETA [BBC backgrounder; JURIST news archive] allegedly involved in the December 2006 Madrid airport bombing [CNN report] were arrested Friday in France. The suspects, Mikel San Sebastian and Joseba Iturbide, were reportedly members of the Elurra commando, one of the most active factions of the armed Basque separatist movement. The Spanish Interior Ministry [official website, in Spanish] lauded French cooperation in the effort and said that the arrests complete the dismantling of th Elurra commando.
The 2006 airport bombing killed two Ecuadoran men and shattered a 15-month ETA ceasefire, which was officially called off in June 2007. ETA has been blamed for more than 800 deaths in bombings and attacks since the 1960s. ETA is considered a terrorist group and seeks an independent Basque state in northern Spain. AFP has more.