[JURIST] Ousted Pakistani Supreme Court Justice Rana Bhagwandas [JURIST news archive] was placed under house arrest Saturday for urging members of the Karachi Bar Association to boycott judges who had taken oaths of office under President Pervez Musharraf's now-abrogated Provisional Constitutional Order [text] following his November 3 declaration of emergency rule [JURIST report]. It was the second time Bhagwandas had been placed under house arrest. Last month he was released from detention to join his family in Karachi. He told reporters over the phone that he does not know how long his latest detention will last, but he expressed confidence that the superior court judges dismissed en masse by Musharraf after his emergency proclamation will be reinstated. PTI has more.
Also Saturday, ousted Pakistani Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry[JURIST news archive], also under virtual house arrest, refused another request by Pakistani officials to vacate his official residence in Islamabad. Chaudhry has resisted attempts to move him before. He pointed to a provision that gives a judge six months to vacate his official residence, but also reiterated that he is still the legitimate Chief Justice of Pakistan and is entitled to remain in his official residence until retirement. PTI has more.