US military prosecutors have dropped charges of making false official statements and obstructing justice against US Army Lt. Col. Steven L. Jordan just hours before jury selection was set to begin in his court-martial....
A Jordanian government spokesperson said Monday that Jordan does not currently have plans to hand over Raghad Saddam Hussein, daughter of the former Iraqi leader, even though Interpol issued a "red notice" last week indicating...
The Special Court for Sierra Leone on Monday delayed the trial of former Liberian President Charles Taylor until January 7, 2008 in order to provide Taylor's new defense team more...
Ethiopian officials have released 31 opposition activists from custody after the members of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy reportedly apologized for their roles in mass anti-government demonstrations that followed Ethiopia's contested 2005 elections. The...
The American Psychological Association (APA) voted Sunday against a measure that would have prevented its members from participating in the interrogations of terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay and other military prisons where suspects have...
Roughly 70 percent of voters casting ballots in Thailand Sunday approved the interim military-supported government's proposed new constitution , which will replace the country's 1997 charter. Interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont , who came...
A judge on the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court said in an order released Friday that the court would consider what she called an "unprecedented" ACLU motion [PDF text;...
The Supreme Court of Tajikistan Friday sentenced two former Guantanamo Bay detainees to 17 years in prison each for serving as mercenaries in Afghanistan. Mukit Vokhidov and Rukhiddin Sharopov crossed to Afghanistan in 2001 as members of the al...
A spokesman for US Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) reacted coolly Friday to a White House bid to extend until after Labor Day the deadline for compliance with committee subpoenas [JURIST report; subpoena packets,...
In Re Motion for Release of Court Records, US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, August 16, 2007 [ruling that the FISC would consider an ACLU motion to release to the public hitherto-classified rulings on the extent of the US government's wiretapping...