Bulgarian Prosecutor General Boris Velchev Thursday defended Bulgaria's pardon of six medics against Libyan criticism , saying that Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov properly exercised his discretionary power to pardon the six...
Federal authorities have arrested and charged a former school teacher for accepting kickbacks from contractors attempting to obtain military contracts in Iraq, the US Justice Department announced Thursday. Carolyn Blake is alleged to have been involved...
US Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN) Wednesday urged members of Congress to adopt legislation suspending the United States' annual $3 million contribution to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) . Coleman said that the...
The Kansas Supreme Court delayed a bid by Kansas Attorney General Paul Morrison to test the constitutionality of an anti-funeral picketing law Wednesday, saying it wasn't sure whether Gov. Kathleen...
Former Bangladeshi Telecommunications Minister Aminul Huq was sentenced to 31 years imprisonment Thursday for aiding Islamic extremists executed in March for the murder of two judges in 2005. The militants acted as part of a terror campaign...
Nigerian Judge Anwuri Shekere Wednesday suspended court proceedings in the criminal case against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer until October 29, granting a request by prosecutors for more time to prepare. Pfizer is accused of conducting an illegal clinical...
Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra failed to attend a meeting Thursday with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) which is probing possible tax evasion allegedly committed by Thaksin during his tenure...
The Supreme Court of Ohio ruled Wednesday that unmarried couples are subject to domestic violence statutes , despite the fact that the law refers to those "living as a spouse." The case arose when a man...
The US Military Academy at West Point's Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) said Wednesday that US military panels reviewing the status of detainees at Guantanamo Bay determined that most detainees represented a threat to US national security. The...
Report on the Refusal of Former White House Counsel Harriet Miers and White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten to Comply With Subpoenas By the House Judiciary Committee, July 24, 2007 [detailing a House investigation that, according to Committee Chairman...